The State of Hiring – Undermining Confidence in the Hiring Process

In our last blog post for the series on the State of Hiring in the COVID-19 era, we covered how hiring managers tend to rely more on instinct over data in their hiring process.
A major consequence of hiring managers’ reliance on instinct over data: Much less confidence in the hiring process!
In fact, only 31 percent of hiring managers reported being confident in their organization’s ability to consistently hire the right people for the job. That leaves nearly seven in 10 with some trepidation. If this is the case, how can hiring managers be sure they’re selecting the candidates with the best fit?
The survey shows, hiring managers who rely more on data also report the most confidence in their organization’s ability to consistently hire the right people!
The contrast in confidence is even starker when it comes to onboarding: Only 37 percent of hiring managers reported confidence when new hires are rarely or never onboarded effectively, compared to 90 percent when effective onboarding always or usually takes place. In other words, a haphazard approach to onboarding– one that often varies significantly across managers and departments– can result in tremendous uncertainty about who is hired and how.
Stay tuned for our next article, where we will dive into how consistency leads to better outcomes in the hiring process, and how to create a better way forward.

In the meantime, click the link below to schedule a complimentary consultation call to review your hiring process with one of our friendly professionals!

hiringJohn Howard